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septal area中文是什么意思

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  • 隔区


  • Effects of yuxingcao injection on contents of camp in hypothalamus and avp in ventral septal area in fever rats
  • Administrations of - msh via the vein , csf or microinjection of this peptide into the ventral septal area ( vsa ) and the preoptic region of the brain significantly reduced fever of tested animals
    经静脉、侧脑室,腹侧中膈区( ventralseptalarea , vsa )以及视前区等处给予- msh ,均能显著抑制lsp所致的发热反应。
  • A large number of neurons with nig - li were seen in the anterior olfactory nuclei , accumbens nucleus , septal area , 09600045 , 39970377 , 39570109 ) 9 ventral pallidum , pallidum , caudate putamen , nucleus of the stria terminalis , anterior hypothalamic area , tuber cinereum area , lateral hypothalamic area , perifornical nucleus , supraoptic nucleus , arcuate nucleus , mammillar nuclei , substatia nigra , ventral tegmental area , retrorubral area , superior and inferior colliculus , periaqueductal gray , nucleus of the solitary tract , and superficial layers of the medullary and spinal dorsal horns
  • The results showed that the expressions of il - 1 receptor type 6 tt i in normal adult rat brain were very widely , and there were intense immuno - positive cells of il - 1 receptor type i in septal area , medial preoptic area , neocortex , hippocampus , paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus , supraoptic nucleus , hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus , arcuate nucleus and median eminence
    结果显示:型il - 1受体在正常成年大鼠脑内有广泛的表达,隔区、视前内侧区、新皮质、海马、下丘脑室旁核、视上核、下丘脑腹内侧核、弓状核和正中隆起等部位有较多型il - 1受体阳性的细胞。
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